Wednesday, 11 March 2015

From the scrapheap

 We all have that bag of scrap material (don't we?). My whole philosophy behind Love Betty is to use re-claimed fabrics and materials and I have a horror of consigning anything bigger than a postage stamp to the bin but what to do with the growing mountain of scrappage?

Small pieces can be put to good use in jewellery, brooches and earrings (if your fingers are dextrous enough).
The brooch below is constructed from two circles (1 x 3" diam and 1 x 4" diam). Run a loose running stitch around the circumference and draw in to form a neat puffed circle.
Put one circle on top of the other and fix with a contrasting button. Cut four 'leaves' and stitch neatly behind the circles. Add a brooch bar and ......

This cushion cover is made from scraps of 6 x 6 inch fabrics. Any toning colours (or clashing) and mixed weights and texture make for an interesting addition to sofas or chairs.
This cushion has a plain and simple envelope closure at the back so no need for fiddling about with zips or buttons.
Look for old upholstery sample books for an easy way to mix and tone fabrics.


 Scraps of 10 inch squares can make lovely glasses cases .
Take two squares and with RST (right sides together) sew up three sides leaving a short end open. Turn right way out.
Cut a piece of med weight wadding to fit inside. Carefully fold in the open end and sew up. Fold the whole thing lengthwise and topstitch around three sides leaving the top open.
Add Velcro or a popper to close and add some finery to suit your lifestyle!

Scrapheap? Not much on mine.

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